We accept BNB / ETH / BTC
If it was 2017, we would accept them, but we no longer do it and payment in tokens is not possible.
Yes if you were our close friend and we could see in deep all your stats and conversions / business procedures / know the background of all team members and see them in real life and monitor how they work within 1 week / have access to all your wallets and money.
But it seems the probablability of such a scenario is 0.0001%.
Therefore we dont work via revenue share model and only start working after upfront payment is done.
You can either refer clients to us and warn us beforehand that this or that guy is from you.
Or never mention our name to your clients and provide our services as if you do them - thus you can use WhiteLabel. Both variants are ok with us.
As long as you pay upfront full amount to us you can put any pricing for our services and resell them with any commission.
Once $10 000 revenue is reached by you, you get extra 1.5% commission.
Once $50 000 revenue is reached, you get 3% commission instead of 1.5%.