Social media content for BitGoals

Our task was to create activity in social networks after the crowdfunding campaign. It was required to show investors and enthusiasts the activity of the project and not lose the trust of potential users at the initial stage of development. We created an effective social media content strategy.

We started working on the task by setting up auto-posting for all clients’ social media accounts.

Before compiling the content plan, we agreed on the main points, target audience and corporate style elements that would be used in the scheduled posts. In this situation, the target audience was fans of online sports betting and sports enthusiasts.

After preparing the first part of the content plan, we transferred 7 posts for approval to the customer.

BitGoals case contect for social media

Working on this project was interesting for our team because of BitGoals project idea that really dragged our attention!
The posts consisted of links to current news from the world of sports and cryptocurrencies, relevant information on future plans of the project and hashtags for creating free natural traffic.

BitGoals post screenshot BitGoals post screenshot BitGoals post screenshot BitGoals post screenshot

As a result, the project managed to keep the audience interested in the project and create the appearance of constant activity in the project’s social networks.
